Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Road Trip Overview

The Road Trip Diaries Begins

In the summer of 2012 Husband and I embarked on an incredible journey across America, after spending a month in New York City. We drove over 7000 miles across this gigantic continent, in about 44 days. We stopped and explored and ate and feasted at every opportunity. Here are the links to each of the individual posts I did at the time, each loaded with pictures, restaurant and hotel suggestions, and fun things to do.

The On The Road (OTR) posts feature our drives from city to city, which was after all, the main point of the journey. Often we stopped off at other places along the way, so those are worthwhile having a look at as well.

OTR: Cambridge to Portland
OTR: Portland to Washington
OTR: Washington to Orlando
OTR: Orlando to Miami
Miami (contd.)
OTR: Miami to Lynchburg
OTR: Lynchburg to New Orleans
New Orleans
OTR: New Orleans to Austin
OTR: Austin to Santa Fe
Santa Fe
OTR: Santa Fe to Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
OTR: Grand Canyon to Death Valley
Death Valley
Los Angeles

And here are my road trip guides:
Road Trip 101
Planning the Big Drive
On The Road
Top Ten Items To Take

Enjoy the ride!

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