Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Road Trip Diaries: Woodstock, NY

28 September 2012

We arrived in Woodstock in the rain. Cloudy, drizzling, drippy. It makes the landscape even more appealing. Makes you want to curl up under a blanket, with a big cup of tea, in a cabin, in the woods. Which is exactly what we did.

The cabin is slate grey, big glass windows show only trees. We're surrounded. They reach for the sky, the leaves already starting to turn yellow and amber. For the most part, it's green. Intoxicating green, makes you breathe deep. Fresh, and wet. Two deer walk past the patio as we sit sipping our wine (post-tea, of course).

Beautiful cabins peek through the trees as we drive along the road. Glimpses of miniature white houses, all with triangular charcoal roofs. And then we reach the town. A whole strip of sweet shops and restaurants, all packed with tie-dye, incense, and ageing hippies. 
Woodstock can only be described as quaint. Very, very quaint. 
Dinner was a treat. An amazing restaurant, good wine and perfect company. A weekend away with family friends is the ideal way to begin this adventure. Training wheels for our road trip, as Husband says.
Restaurant in Review:
109 Mill Hill Road  
Woodstock, NY 12498
(845) 679-9800

29 September 2012

We're sleeping in the loft room. Slanted wood ceiling, big white bed. Feels a lot like sleeping in a cloud. A big warm cloud. Muted light filters through the paper-like blinds. It's another overcast day. But at least it's stopped raining - for now.

Fresh croissants for breakfast. Big mugs of tea and coffee to beat the chill. We're off to market.

Market was a little bit more like a yard sale. Like a big yard sale. Like a big hippie yard sale. But fun nonetheless. There's trinkets and trash, and everything in-between. I'm sure there's even a few gems in there, but on a road trip budget I put my blinkers on and pretend I can't see any of it.
All wrapped up, it feels like we're heading towards winter at a fast and furious speed. I feel unprepared. My wardrobe feels unprepared. So I momentarily put aside my road trip budget and pop into a nearby shop and buy a squirrel hat. At least now my ears don't feel unprepared.

We then explored the area by car, stopping at a couple of galleries and a very big lake. The water reflects the sky - grey, pensive, bottomless. The green of the fir trees is so dark it looks like you could walk into that forest and never be seen again. It looks like world before man - completely uninhabited, completely forgotten, completely complete.
We stop at 'Bread Alone', a yummy lunch spot. Hello split green pea and ham soup. Creamy, green and delish. 
The rest of the afternoon is more lazy exploring. We happen upon 'Wok and Roll', a Chinese restaurant that features live rock acts. A cover band is performing all the classics. We order some sake, tuck ourselves under the porch and out of the rain, and listen to some rock. The whole audience is made up of us and a family of locals. It makes for an entertaining experience.
 I'm back on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, sipping wine (yes, more wine). Off to dinner soon.

30 September 2012

Sunday morning bliss. A quiet, slow start to the day.

We eat a late brunch. Delicious scrambled eggs, potato mix and rye bread. Once again 'Bread Alone' is a winner. A brisk stroll through the forest, up the mountain, back to the house, pack the car.

And we're off. One weekend in Woodstock done, it's time to hit the road again. Luckily from here it is only a hop and a skip to our next stop over. Good bye Woodstock, thank you for being a wonderful first time.

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Unknown said...

so beautiful! Everything I imagined Woodstock would be. would love to go there... Have a glass of wine and think of me, I can just imagine how beautiful it must smell in the dampness of the forest.



lucille said...

Woodstock looks lovely. mom

Reaching Robyn said...

Oh my gosh Niki - the forest was so wonderful. You know when there are layers and layers of leaves under your feet? It just feels so incredibly alive. And yes, smells so fresh. I could completely live in a forest.