Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blog, What?

I like to cook, I really do. I mostly like it when I can just pull a pile of stuff out of the fridge and make myself something yummy and scrumptious. It's easiest when you're not actually cooking for other people. That's when the pressure is on.

But, I'm getting better at liking that too. I like looking at recipes and planning things out these days. And mostly I like wow-ing Husband with the things I magic out of the kitchen. One of the best gifts I got this year was this book, written by a food blogger. She's a South African (which means I could find all the ingredients in the stores, it was in measurements I could understand, and the dishes were all healthy and delicious). I left all my books behind when we started to travel, but at least, being a food blogger, it's easy enough to find her recipes online.

Visit her mouthwatering blog - afoodieliveshere.

And that's not all! Today I'm going to share two more foodie blogs with you, because I'm awesome like that.

Joy the Baker is funny, interesting, and knows how to make you hungry. I've just eaten dinner, and looking at her food blog is making me ravenous. I mean, come on - how good does this look?

And one of my most recent discoveries is What Katie Ate. She has also just recently released a cookbook, which was on my Holiday Wish List. This lady knows how to cook up a storm, and styles and takes all her own food photography! Yes please to smashing all of this in my face.

So now I'm faced with the overwhelming desire to get into the kitchen, wrap an apron around my waist, and get covered in flour. And bake and cook and create until the house is filled with enticing smells, and my tummy is stuffed with unbelievable tastes. I'm salivating at the thought. Mmmm....

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