Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Postcard From NYC

Howdy y'all!

Just a quick one to let you know we're having a blast! Things are super fun and super busy this week because we've got ourselves a couple of New York City Passes - which let you a whole heap of attractions all across the city, for free. But we've got to do all of it in seven days before the pass expires! So there's a lot of running going on around these parts.

But by the end of week I'll have a whole pile of stories to tell and pictures to share - so stay tuned for that! We've also been eating lots of amazing food (obviously!), have done three whole bus tours, and been getting some super important but super boring admin done. New York certainly knows how to suck you right into its frenetic soul!

OK, must run, chat soon! xoxo

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